Interview with Shauli Zacks from Safety Detectives

Interview with Shauli Zacks from Safety Detectives

Interview with Shauli Zacks from Safety Detectives

I was recently interviewed by Shauli Zacks from Safety Detectives.

Shauli Zacks is a tech enthusiast who has reviewed and compared hundreds of programs in multiple niches, including cybersecurity, office and productivity tools, and parental control apps. He enjoys researching and understanding what features are important to the people using these tools.

Click here to access the full interview

During this interview we talked about :

  • What was background and what motivated me to start OneTake AI?
  • What was the main gap or challenge in the video editing market that OneTake AI aims to fill?
  • How does OneTake AI leverage artificial intelligence to revolutionize video editing, and what sets it apart from traditional editing tools?
  • How does OneTake AI support content creators in optimizing their videos for different social media platforms?
  • What are the challenges in making AI understand the context and nuances of video for different cultures and audiences?
  • How do I see the role of human video editors evolving with tools like OneTake AI becoming more prevalent?

Click here to access the full interview

Sébastien Night

Sébastien Night


Sébastien Night is the co-founder and CEO of OneTake AI. He's an IT engineer from École Centrale, bestselling author, public speaker and TV personality.