How to hire AI tools that proactively grow your business!

🤖 AI isn’t just a tool, it’s your new smart intern! Find out how to maximize AI’s potential in your business. Catch my interview with BBAI

How to hire AI tools that proactively grow your business!

I recently had the pleasure of sharing my insights on AI and content creation in a podcast interview with Wil Downes from Basic Business AI. In our conversation, we explored the transformative power of AI in the world of content marketing, particularly for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and coaches. Below the interview video, you’ll find an article that summarizes some of the key success strategies and my vision for the exciting future of AI that I shared during our discussion. Whether you’re an AI novice or an experienced user, I believe you’ll find valuable takeaways for you and your business:

What you'll learn from the interview:

  • How AI is changing content marketing for small businesses, entrepreneurs and coaches
  • An incredible tool that turns your raw video into a professional presentation
  • How to avoid AI that "gives you homework" and why you should choose "proactive" AI tools that don't need prompting

Where AI is most valuable in Content Creation

My personal experience with video editing

Before I started OneTake, I was deeply involved in the Free Entrepreneurs Movement, a company that sold online training and group coaching. One of the most time-consuming aspects of my work was video editing. Out of a year, I would spend several months' worth of work just editing my own videos to create video products, push content on YouTube, and create audio podcasts.

How AI is changing the game for content creators (and no, it's not "replacing you")

AI has completely changed the game for us. It now enables us to create a lot more content while spending significantly less time in the weeds of manual video editing. This shift has been transformative, allowing us to focus more on creating valuable content rather than getting bogged down in the technical aspects of production.

The opportunity AI presents for automating menial tasks

The opportunity we have now is access to impossibly smart systems that can take care of menial tasks. Most people are somewhat familiar with ChatGPT or at least aware of it, and they've been using it for tasks like writing emails they've been procrastinating on or drafting proposals for potential customers. What many don't realize is that for almost any task that takes a couple of hours of work that you hate doing and is very repetitive, it's very likely that someone has developed a smart AI system to handle it.

Introducing OneTake AI: A Game-Changing Tool

What OneTake AI does

OneTake AI is a powerful tool that turns raw video footage into professional presentations. It's designed to streamline the video editing process, making it accessible to entrepreneurs who may not have the time or technical skills to edit videos manually.

How it transforms raw footage into professional presentations

Our software takes your raw material - whether it's recorded with your webcam on your laptop or your smartphone - and transforms it into something that looks like you spent 10 hours editing. It removes stumbles, improves audio quality, adds titles and text for important points, and even creates smooth transitions between topics.

The time and effort saved by using AI for video editing

What used to take an entire weekend or about 10 hours of work to create a 10-minute YouTube video can now be done in a fraction of the time. OneTake AI handles tasks like removing stumbles, enhancing audio quality, adding titles and text for important points, and creating smooth transitions - all automatically.

Common Challenges When Working with AI

Preconceived notions about AI

Many people have preconceived ideas about AI, often thinking it's too complex or not applicable to their specific needs. However, the reality is that AI tools are becoming increasingly user-friendly and adaptable to various business needs.

The trap of "allowing tech to give you homework"

One common pitfall I've observed is what I call "allowing the tech to give you homework." This happens when people think, "I'm going to use this tool, but first, I have to figure out which videos I want to shoot" or "I need to figure out my marketing plan before I can ask AI to write the content." This approach can lead to unnecessary delays and missed opportunities.

How to avoid these pitfalls

The key to avoiding these pitfalls is to shift your mindset. Instead of trying to figure out how to use AI, think of it as hiring a smart assistant to help you grow your business. Let the AI take initiative and provide suggestions, rather than waiting for you to come up with all the ideas.

Optimizing Your Workflow with AI

The "smart intern" mindset

I encourage people to think of AI as a super smart intern. Imagine you've just hired someone who came out of college, loves learning, has read all of Wikipedia, all the works of Shakespeare, and all the business books in the world. They have PhDs in all kinds of fields. You wouldn't let this intern sit in a corner while you figure out what work to give them. Instead, you'd involve them in your business growth from the start.

Using AI proactively rather than reactively

A smarter way of working with AI is to have it readily available as you work. I use a second screen (or you could have windows side by side) where I have my chat assistant open all the time. Our software is geared towards content creation, with an assistant that learns from everything you've recorded before and helps you find ideas, develop marketing plans, create products, and write emails.

Practical tips for integrating AI into your daily work

Instead of sitting on your own and thinking, "Oh my God, if only I knew what work to give to this powerful AI," approach it as if you're working with a highly capable assistant. Tell your AI assistant, "Look, I'm very busy. I want you to help me grow my business. Find a few ideas, and maybe I'll tell you which ones I want to execute, and then go ahead and execute them." This mindset will make AI much more valuable to your workflow.

The Power of Proactive AI

Current limitations of prompt-based AI

Currently, most AI interactions are based on prompts - you give the AI a specific task or question, and it responds. While this is useful, it still requires you to know what to ask or what tasks to assign.

The concept of "L'esprit d'escalier" in AI

We're working on a concept inspired by what the French call "L'esprit d'escalier" - it's like when the party is over, you're walking home, taking the stairs down, and as you're going down the stairs, you're thinking of the perfect comeback that you should have said 3 hours ago at the party. We're applying this concept to AI.

How proactive AI can provide valuable suggestions and ideas

We've noticed that if you give the AI extra thinking time offline, it can come up with very valuable suggestions. For example, as our AI edits your video, it learns about your content, themes, and audience. Then, offline, it can generate ideas for future content, suggest potential guests or topics, and provide other valuable insights. This proactive approach is going to be a huge game-changer in how we interact with AI.

Content Marketing: The Key to Online Success

The importance of content marketing for small businesses

Content marketing is crucial for small businesses and entrepreneurs looking to promote themselves online. Whether you're doing video podcasts or creating other forms of content, it's how people find you and how they decide among all the solutions available in the market.

How OneTake AI facilitates effortless content creation

OneTake AI is built to support content marketing efforts. It not only helps in editing your videos but also in generating ideas for content. Our software can suggest topics you should record videos about, making the content creation process much more streamlined and efficient.

Examples of effective content marketing pieces

For instance, if you have a product or service, each FAQ on your website could be turned into a perfect content marketing piece. OneTake AI can help you generate ideas for these pieces, record them effortlessly, and then edit them into professional-looking videos, all with minimal effort on your part.

The Future of AI in Business (2025 and Beyond)

The shift towards more proactive AI models

As we look towards 2025 and beyond, I believe we'll see a significant shift towards more proactive AI models. These will be AI systems that don't just respond to prompts but actively provide suggestions and insights.

Potential applications and benefits for businesses

This shift will be particularly beneficial for people who are still ambivalent about getting started with AI. Proactive AI will be able to learn about your business, your content, and your audience, and then provide valuable suggestions without you having to prompt it constantly.

My vision for the future of AI in content creation

I envision a future where AI becomes an indispensable partner in content creation. It will not only handle the technical aspects of content production but also contribute creative ideas, suggest improvements, and help businesses stay ahead of trends in their industries.

Practical Application: Getting Started with OneTake AI

Check out our amazing free trial at

If you're interested in experiencing the power of AI in content creation, I invite you to try OneTake AI. We offer a free trial at, where you can upload any video under ten minutes and get it edited as a preview of what our AI is capable of doing.

What you can expect when trying the software

When you use OneTake AI, you can expect a seamless experience. You can either upload a pre-recorded video or record directly using your webcam. The AI will then edit your video, removing mistakes, enhancing audio quality, adding titles and transitions, and creating a professional-looking final product.

Why AI-powered video editing is essential for your business

The benefits are clear: you save time, effort, and resources while still producing high-quality content. This allows you to focus on what you do best - running your business and creating valuable content for your audience.

Sébastien Night

Sébastien Night


Sébastien Night is the co-founder and CEO of OneTake AI. He's an IT engineer from École Centrale, bestselling author, public speaker and TV personality.